The Impact of Divorce on Children

Given the alarming statistic that 42% of marriages in England and Wales result in divorce, it is crucial to explore the various ways in which children can be impacted by this unfortunate situation. By delving into this topic, we aim to shed light on the potential effects divorce can have on children’s. If you live in Wokingham and need a lawyer to help you get through a divorce process, check out divorce lawyers Wokingham.


According to research findings, it has been established that children who have experienced multiple divorces within their family unit tend to exhibit lower academic performance compared to their peers who come from intact households where the parents are still together.

When children experience their parents’ divorce at a young age, it can have detrimental effects on their educational journey. They become more susceptible to the possibility of dropping out of school due to the emotional and psychological challenges they may face. Additionally, this early exposure to divorce can instil a fear of commitment within them, affecting their personal relationships and choices later in life.


Children whose parents have gone through a divorce often encounter greater challenges in their social interactions compared to children whose parents are still together. This could be attributed to the fact that they tend to project their emotions, such as frustration or unhappiness, onto their friends. Additionally, there may exist a certain level of resentment towards their parents’ separation which affects their ability to form healthy relationships and connect with their peers.


Teenagers face a higher likelihood of experiencing mental health challenges and behavioral issues. Furthermore, research conducted in the United States reveals that adolescents who reside with both parents demonstrate better physical well-being compared to those whose parents are divorced or separated. This indicates that family structure plays a crucial role in influencing the overall health of teenagers.


It is not surprising that children whose parents have divorced often experience poverty, as their parents now have to support two separate households. Unfortunately, the issue of child poverty is becoming more prevalent. Prior to the pandemic, Action for Children estimated that there were 4.3 million children living in poverty in the UK, which was an increase of 200,000 compared to 2019. Moreover, this number has risen by half a million over the past five years.

Child poverty refers to the condition wherein an individual resides in a household that has a family income significantly below the average income (also known as the median income) for a specific year. This means that the income of such a household is approximately 60% less than the average income of other households.


It is crucial to emphasise that divorce may not be the only determining factor contributing to these issues. It is plausible that these families encountered challenges that, in turn, heightened the likelihood of divorce.

When experiencing a divorce, it is essential to take proactive measures to minimise the negative impact on your children. There are various steps you can take to ensure their well-being and emotional stability during this difficult time.

When dealing with a loved one’s worries, maintaining a regular routine can provide significant support. It is crucial to prioritise communication and actively engage in conversations to better comprehend their concerns. By doing so, you may discover that their anxieties differ from what you initially presumed. For instance, they could be troubled by the prospect of having to relocate and leave behind their friends.

To ensure the emotional well-being of children during times of change, it is important to provide them with reassurance that their parents still love them unconditionally. As much as possible, it is advisable for parents to present a united front and engage in open and honest communication about the upcoming changes.

When dealing with younger children, it is important to acknowledge that they may experience feelings of anger. It is crucial to approach their emotions with an open mind and refrain from passing judgement. By maintaining a calm demeanour, you increase the likelihood of them feeling comfortable enough to express their frustrations and concerns.

If you find it difficult to come to agreements with the other parent regarding various arrangements, it is strongly advised to consider mediation. Mediation provides valuable assistance in exploring different options and working towards a mutually agreeable resolution for any contentious matters, including matters related to children, finances, and property. By engaging in mediation, you will receive guidance and support in addressing these issues and finding common ground. The ultimate goal of mediation is to promote effective communication and cooperation between both parties, facilitating a smoother and more efficient process of resolving the issues.